
Family: Bismuth is a Chemical Element

Hardness: 2.25 

Properties: Easy Transformation, Changing Ourselves & the World, Opening to New Possibilities, Success, Communicating with Higher Self & Other Spiritual Energies

Chakras: Crown, Third Eye, Root

Bismuth is a very soft metal, easily melted in a pot. The Crystals form quickly as it cools, and they can be fished out with tongs. (It does take a lot of practice to get good ones.) Oxidization (exposure to air), forms the iridescent colours and seemingly impossible crystal formations that resemble Mayan cities / pyramids! Bismuth says "I am here to remind you that transformation can be easy, and requires a positive state of mind, so let's look inward to what things we can be grateful for. I am friendly, cheerful & I will confidently show you how to handle anything life has placed in front of you!" :)