Dalmatian Stone
Family: Peraklakine Rock
Hardness: 6 - 6.5
Properties: Remembering Our Inner Child, Healing from Addictions, Creativity, Joy, Playing
Chakras: Root, Sacral
Dalmatian Stone is often mistakenly called a Jasper, but it is a type of microgranite made of light, mostly Feldspar background & dark spots of Arfvedsonite. That being cleared up, Dalmatian Stone is said to have a wonderful effect on us, connecting us with our inner child & playfulness! When did we go from child to adult? Never. We will forever be a child of the Universe, where creativity, lightheartedness, joy & simple pleasures rule. Dalmatian Stone says "I am here to remind you to speak to your inner child out loud daily, to dance in the rain, splash in the puddles & be the real weirdo you are!" :)