Grossular Garnet 

Family: Calcium Aluminum Silicate Mineral, Garnet Family 

Hardness: 7 - 7.5

Properties: Grounding, Focus, Balance

Chakras: Heart, Root, Sacral

Grossular garnets get their name from the Latin word for Gooseberry because of its sameness in colour. Like other Garnets such as the Red Almandines, these little green babies help us ground ourselves with the nice weight that they have, and help get things done that we may be procrastinating on. I reach for garnets when I have to do something that I know needs doing but I'm just putting off. There are two big Garnets sitting in front of me as I try to focus on writing these crystal meanings! :) Many of us have minds that are working on dozens of things at a time, so Garnets aid us in focusing on the task at hand~ great for studying or if you have your own business! They have been used to bring abundance to us by helping us to manifest what we want into the physical world with open hearts. Grossular Garnet says "I am here to help you find clarity in your life, to focus and figure out what your true passions are, and birth them into reality! It is your Birthright to be joyful and to have what you want by visualizing and focusing with all your feelings!" :)