Family: A Calcium Borosilicate Hydroxide
Hardness: 3.5
Properties: Dissolving Anger, Creativity, Healing
Chakras: Crown, Third Eye, Heart, Root
Howlite is a white stone used by Light workers for several reasons; for strengthening our ability to travel through the mind to other levels of consciousness, for the very real experience of out of body travel, and for clarity of thought as well as for opening of memories of past and in-between lives. Howlite is said to dissolve anger and absorb negativity, keeping our minds free to create beauty in the world. It has been used to transform sadness into light and to foster true acceptance of ourselves exactly as we are. We tend to be hardest on the person reflected in the mirror, and we need to be more kind. We are, in fact, a community of approximately 724 trillion cells, and we can view them as our children. So we need to be full of care and compassion for every part of ourselves. When we look at a body of water we wouldn't say that we are this part of the water, but not that part. It is all one, as are we all. Howlite has also been known for its ability to help with severe insomnia by placing it under our pillow or near our bed at night. Howlite says, "I am here to be your guide through your journeys in and out of the body, and to dance with all that makes you YOU. So let's have some fun!” :)