Family: Pink-Violet Spodumene
Hardness: 6.5 - 7
Properties: Love, Releasing Emotions, Comfort
Chakras: Heart, Third Eye
Kunzite is an exceptionally high vibrational crystal, giving off the purest love, as if directly from Source. It encourages adoration, devotion and what I can only describe as an eternal embrace that comforts, soothes & holds us. Kunzite allows us to speak our feelings of love freely from our hearts, releasing emotions that have been trapped there, perhaps out of fear of how the other may respond. When we open ourselves up, allowing vulnerability, we are saying, "I surrender to this love". Love is the only real thing in existence. Kunzite says, "I am here to help you bare your soul, pour yourself into another, and release all fear, anxiety & panic. You are here to love yourself, and to be loved. And YOU ARE SO LOVED.”