Family: Feldspar Group
Hardness: 6 - 6.5
Properties: Psychic Abilities, Consciousness, Seeing Magic
Chakras: Third Eye, Crown, Throat
Labradorite is known as the Oracle Stone because of its use as a scrying tool. We can look deeply into these stones and see something different each time. I love to look at the black markings as well as the rich pools of colour to see what they remind me of. I keep a large bowl of them near my bed and "read" them as one would read tarot cards. They are said to aid us in expanding our consciousness, our psychic and clairvoyant abilities. Labradorite is the stone of pure magic, reminding us that we see only a tiny range of the spectrum. For example, we do not see ultraviolet, infrared, gamma or x-rays. But that doesn't mean these rays don't exist, only that they are hidden from our perception. Labradorite says "Look for the magic in everything and your life will be richer! I am here to remind you to look for the unseen." :)