
Family: Igneous Volcanic Rock

Hardness: 2 - 4

Properties: Release, Renewal, Deep Rooting /Grounding, Protection, Bringing Hidden Things to Light

Chakras: Root, Sacral

Lava is quite literally that - Lava that flows out from a volcano and cools slowly, compared with Lava that comes into contact with water, cooling very quickly into what we call Obsidian (natural volcanic glass). Similar to Obsidian, Lava has been used for powerful protection and grounding, rooting us to the core of the earth, along with release & renewal. When we think of hot magma under the ground it is under pressure & stress. It is hot and trapped in the darkness. The release and flow of Lava represents the release of the pressure and stress in our lives, and the new beginning in a different form. A transformation into something more stable and strong. Lava says, "I am here to tether you to the core of Mother Earth, your planetary umbilical cord. Together we will bust through any obstacles.” :)