Pink Opal
Family: Hydrated Silica Material
Hardness: 5.5 - 6.5
Properties: Emotional Healing, Luck, Calming
Chakras: Heart, Crown, Solar Plexus
Pink Opal has been used as a wonderful stone for gentle emotional healing, luck and fertility, both literal and of birthing new thoughts & ideas. It is said to have a calming, soothing effect on our spirits, opening up our hearts to allow more self-love to come through. We are hardest on ourselves, and we need to forgive perceived shortcomings that we've had in the past, and create a new story. We need to birth a new view of ourselves; a kinder, gentler one that helps us grow into who we are truly meant to be. Pink Opal encourages us to communicate our feelings freely, building more meaningful relationships with others and with our own child selves. It is said that this stone offers relief from feelings of isolation and depression as well. Pink Opal says, "I am here to open you up to the gloriousness of who you truly are ~ a perfect soul who has hidden talents and a heart of gold. You have a gift that no one else has. You are special. You have everything to offer the world so don't hold yourself back by playing small! What would you be doing in this moment if money was no object? This is your life's purpose. To do what you love, be kind and just BE." :)