Family: Manganese Inosilicate, Pyroxenoid Group
Hardness: 5.5 - 6.5
Properties: Love, Joy, Protection, Forgiveness
Chakras: Heart, Root, Solar Plexus
Known as the Stone of Love, Rhodonite has been used to draw soulmates together, healing wounds of the heart and opening the way for new levels of unconditional love. It has also been used to reach out to our inner child, which lies inside waiting for us to remember that it's okay to play and be joyful. When we experience anxiety, this stone can feel like a reassuring embrace. Rhodonite has been used as a talisman to protect children and adults from harm, and to balance the male and female (yin/yang) energies. It teaches us forgiveness (especially in forgiving ourselves for things that didn't go as we would have liked), and for understanding why certain things happened in the past, in the long run, for our benefit and growth. Even the darkest experiences in our lives have a greater meaning, and we can learn wonderful lessons from them with just a slightly different perspective. Rhodonite says "I am here to open your heart, for when your heart is open anything can be achieved! Openness allows love in. It welcomes new experiences, lets go of past hurts and makes everything okay again :) You are loved. You are sacred.”