Family: Corundum
Hardness: 9
Properties: Clarity, Communication, Clairvoyance, Perspective
Chakras: Throat, Third Eye, Crown
Sapphires are the blue or pink variety of Corundum, and the red to fuchsia varieties are called Ruby, all of which have been highly sought after for thousands of years. Sapphire is said to help us see crystal clear visions with our third eye, and combine these visions with clarity of communication. Our voices are so much more powerful than we have been led to believe, and by having the courage to speak our truths we literally birth our ideas and dreams into physical reality. Sapphire has been used to hone and develop our extra-sensory perceptions such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, channelling and psychic gifts. These are naturally occurring and not spooky with practice and trusting that we can have access to these things, we bring them forward and set them free. Sapphire encourages sharpening of our minds so we can truly see perspective, allowing us to move in a positive direction. Sapphire says, "I am here to bring you to a state of peace that comes from clarity of thought, breathing deep. You are a child of the light, literally made of sunshine, you can do anything you can think of! It's time to create the life you want, instead of watching other people act these things out in movies and on TV. I'm with you.”