
Family: Gypsum, Sulfate Mineral

Hardness: 2

Properties: Spiritual Clarity, Purification, Healing

Chakras: Crown, Third Eye, Soul Star

Selenite has been called "Liquid Light" because of its ability to brighten a room and lighten the mood instantly. It reminds us of the higher planes of existence, and that we are surrounded at all times by our Spirit Guides or Angels (some call them our Higher Selves). We can access information from these realms if we allow it. This crystal receives its name from the Greek Goddess of the Moon, Selene. It connects us to our highest levels of consciousness and is one of the most powerful crystals, alongside Clear Quartz, for creating the New Earth. Selenite says, "I am Ethereal and Other-Worldly, and so are YOU! You are literally made of Stars. Now stop watching television and Meditate so we can have some real fun!" :)