Family: Kaolinite-Serpentine Group of Phyllosilicates
Hardness: 3 - 6
Properties: Regenerative, Restorative Healing, New Beginnings, Transformation, Protection
Chakras: Heart, Sacral, Root
Serpentine is known for being the crystal of New Beginnings, shedding of old skin (old self / old life) & making space for better circumstances. It has been used as a powerful tool for transformation into a higher version of ourselves. Serpentine reminds us that we are at all times connected to the Natural world and our Animal friends. It is a peaceful companion during Forest Bathing where we walk through the woods breathing deeply and allowing the energy of the forest to renew our souls. The snake is a creature many of us fear, but there is also an ethereal serpent of energy that rises up as we open our heart centres and take good care of ourselves. Serpentine says "I am taking you into nature where you can discover your true self and bond with everything! Let's walk barefoot.” :)