
Family: Meteoric Impact Glassy Objects

Hardness: 5.5 - 6.5

Properties: Communication, Clairvoyance, Grounding

Chakras: Root, Third Eye, Crown

Tektites get their name from the Greek word "tektos", meaning "molten". They form when a meteor impacts sand, instantly heating it to a molten state and sending it flying through the upper atmosphere, where they then fall back to the Earth as a tektites. These have been used as shamanistic tools of communication with higher realms of existence, heightening levels of clairvoyance, clairaudience and other extrasensory abilities. They are said to help us see through the veil. Used during meditation, tektites are said to aid us in remaining calm and grounded, whilst propelling our minds to a higher consciousness. Moldavite is a green variety of tektite. :)