Tigers Eye

Family: Quartz Group with Amphibole Fibres

Hardness: 5.5 - 6

Properties: Abundance, Imagination, Manifesting, Focus

Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus, Third Eye

Tiger's Eye reminds us of how very powerful and strong we are when we apply focus, and take small steps toward what we want to manifest. In this way it is used to bring ourselves into positive, creative action, which draws in abundance. Tiger's Eye is associated with the root chakra, solar plexus and third eye, keeping us centred and calm while we explore the reaches of our imaginations. It represe core, our centre and self-worth. Tiger's Eye says, "You must be kind to yourself to understand grandeur and your place in the multiverse. I am here to encourage you to be brave and take on the challenges, and to face your fears.” Great for grounding to Earth energies too. :)